We are proud to be partnering with Man With A Pram this Father’s Day, and we’d love to invite you to join us too.
Man With A Pram events are being hosted around the country this Father’s Day 5th September by organisations, councils, parental groups and individuals with the aim of creating a space for fathers to be connected and celebrated, as well as bringing awareness to perinatal mental heath issues. The events also act as the yearly fundraising events for the year round work of Dads Group. Dad’s Group creates and supports groups of new fathers across Australia (both in person and virtually). There is a distinct lack of support for new fathers in Australia and Dads Group exists to create supportive networks of fellow fathers to journey with each other through the challenges and joys of parenthood.
How you can help?
Walk With Us This Fathers Day
Man With A Pram events are simple. At a minimum it requires two dads with prams or baby carriers, going on a walk together on Father’s Day weekend as part of a national movement. We would love to invite you to be part of this movement. Check out the existing events on their website (www.manwithapram.com.au) to see if they already have one near you! If not, they can help with that to. All you have to do is grab a MWAP T-shirt and wear it with your partner, friends, neighbours, etc. on a walk around your favourite local area. If you are interested in walking with them on Father’s Day weekend, please fill in the form below and they will be in contact shortly.
Walk with us link
Donate or buy a few raffle tickets to win some amazing prizes. Dad’s Group relies on donations and the money raised from the once a year Man With A Pram events for funding throughout the year. This funding goes directly into local communities, giving dads perinatal support and the chance to connect and meet with one another with their babies.
Funds raised this year will also go to perinatal health programs and research for fathers and families including hospital programs, community programs, and digital programs that improve health outcomes for new fathers, mothers, and infants.