Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

Wishing all our wonderful customers and your families a very safe and Merry Christmas and a huge thank-you for your support during the year that was 2021!

While our online store will remain open our customer service team and warehouse elves are having some much deserved & well earned time off! All orders placed during this time will be dispatched on their return on the 29th December.

Our customer service hours are:

25th December 2021 - CLOSED

26th December 2021 - CLOSED

27th December 2021 - CLOSED

28th December 2021 - CLOSED

29th December 2021 - OPEN

30th December 2021 - OPEN

31st December 2021 - OPEN

3rd January 2021 - CLOSED

4th January - Business resumes as normal